Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Here's to Forever Friends

So, I spent some time with my best and favorite friend Ashley on Saturday. Everytime we get together, I leave thinking about the good times we have had together and just being thankful for the type of friendship that can last for 12 years and you know will last for many more years. We don't have to talk everyday (sometimes not even every week or month), but I know if I need her she is there and the next time we talk it will be like we never skipped a beat. I love thinking back to times we have shared. Like at the end of my Sophomore year when the buzz through the hall was about the "new girl" coming from Overton for our Junior year. Or the time when we almost died during a tornado because we didn't know what a culvert was. Or the many times we talked our moms into letting us spend the night on a "school night" all in the name of studying and then somehow we forgot about the study part. Or before our senior prom when I got the worst hair-do ever and I called Ashley to come to my house right then to look at it. I don't know what she was going to do, but I needed her and she came. Or the day I got a letter from Western Kentucky (where we were determined to go to college) saying I didn't get in. I thought the world as I knew it was over, but in true Ashley fashion she said "Rachel don't worry about it - we will so something else".
So, here is to forever friendship and being so thankful for you Ashley. I love you!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Let it Snow...Nashville Style

Remember when we were suppose to get 4-5 inches of snow in Nashville a few weeks ago??? Well, here is Hannah in all the snow. She was so excited about this "dusting" she would be beside herself if we ever really got snow. She wanted to stand in it and have her picture taken before she went to school that day. So, until next year - this is all she is going to get.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


So, I have finally determined that the issues with posting a pictures was my computer at home. This was a test to see if I could do it from work and lo and behold...I can. This was one of the only pictures I had of Hannah on my computer at work. Ashley - you probably recognize the background and the bed she is standing on :). So, now that I know where the issue is - I will post more pictures. Yippee!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006


I can not for the life of me get a picture on this thing. I will work on it this weekend...it is my bedtime. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

By Faith Noah...

Please let me just share something I learned this past week. I am in a bible study on Tuesday nights with six amazing ladies. We are currently doing the study "Believing God" by Beth Moore (who I love). Anyway this past week we were studing I can do all things through Christ. The week was centered around Hebrews 11 (The Hall of Faith). One day we talked about Noah. I have studied and learned about Noah and the Ark my entire life (literally), but this week I learned something I had never been taught before and I just need to share it. Do you realize that EVERYONE on the earth was destroyed for their wickedness except Noah and his immediate family. Do you know what that means...that means that no one else on the entire earth believed in the God Noah believed in. The amazing part - Noah still stood strong in his belief and when God told him to build this ark he did it. Noah didn't have a bible study group or a sunday school class or a church of many fellow believers to talk this out with or to get their insight. He just had his immediate family (which let's be honest probably at times even they thought Noah was crazy for the whole ark thing). Does that amaze anyone else but me???? How thankful his family must have been when they were walking on that ark and when that rain (that they had never seen before) started to fall. By faith Noah believed!!! That makes the times when I may be ashamed or embarrased to share my beliefs or stand up for a God who has blessed me far more than I deserve disappointing. I have a army of believers around me and I still let those few hold me back. Noah didn't have an army - just God and that was enough for him to build an ark.