Hannah had her Pre-K Graduation on Thursday afternoon. I can not believe how fast the time has flown and the fact that she will be starting Kindergarten in just a couple of months.
The graduation was so sweet. There are about 20 kids in Hannah's class, but only 6 of them are leaving to go to Kindergarten. Of those six, four of them have been together since the infant room, so I am sure it will be weird when they don't see each other every day.
They started the program by singing a few songs.
Then Hannah got her "diploma"
The six graduates then gave a rose to their moms. A picture of this will not be included. It involved tears - from her mom of course.
Then it was time for cake and punch out on the playground.
Hannah -
Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and all that you have learned. We are excited about this new season of life and can not wait to see what God has planned for you. We love you!