I am actually posting something and if no one is still out there - I completely understand. I would have given up on myself too.
I don't even know the last time I posted - I think it was in March and a lot has happened since March. Hannah finished Kindergarten and has been spending the summer at Y camp with David. She has had a very busy summer and is loving every minute of it. I can't believe we only have a few short weeks until it is off to 1st grade. I really need time to slow down - OK? Thank you!!
We got a chance to head to the beach for about 10 days the beginning of this month and boy was it wonderful. My parents bought a house in Daytona last year and we couldn't wait to take Hannah to the beach. It was her first time and she loved it!! That is until she discovered the water slide at the pool and then we didn't spend much more time on the beach. I will say that going to the beach with a five year old is a lot different than going with my mom and taking a book and our drinks and spending all day reading and sleeping. Not as relaxing - for sure. But it sure was fun.
My parents were with us for the first few days and we had a ton of fun. Then, we stayed for the rest of the week and just basically did nothing. Yeah - it rocked my world. I have included some pictures below.
First time on the beach:Visiting the alligator farm in St. Augustine. This place was amazing. Hannah got up close and personal with a alligator and a snake.
Um, yeah. Hannah and I climbed this lighthouse. All 219 steps. My child was literally cheering me to the top. Holy Cow.
Building sand castles.
There are a ton more pictures where these came from, but I am going to take it slow and easy. Here's to hoping I can post again before this time next year. For those who have read this, thanks for sticking with me.