Saturday, December 22, 2007


My baby is growing up. Hannah has NOT been a fan of Santa Claus for about 2 years now. She even decided when she was two that Frosty could bring her presents, but NOT santa. So, needless to say I have avoided the Santa picture lines at the mall for the past two years. We could stand on the second level and look down at Santa - even wave to him, but sit in his lap - oh no ma'am. This year Hannah's day care had picture day with Santa a couple of Saturdays ago. Hannah was so excited and talked a HUGE talk about telling him all she wanted for Christmas and getting her picture made with him. So, off we went to daycare to see Santa. This is how the day started...

Here is Santa

Here is Hannah (clinging to her daddy)

We finally made it when she would get her picture made, but only if David went with her. Better than nothing - right.

When we left daycare she had decided that Santa was nice and she wanted him to bring her presents. So Frosty has officially been released from all present brining duties.

The past couple of days Hannah has been dying to go to the mall and get her picture made with Santa. We had to run by the mall on Thursday night to pick up a few things and she said she wanted to sit in his lap and get her picture made. Well, Santa was at dinner, so we couldn't do it and I really didn't think she would do it anyway. So yesterday, I had my department lunch at work and then we get to leave after the lunch. Since Thursday night Hannah has been asking if we could go back to the mall and see Santa. We had some time to kill before we met my parents for my birthday dinner, so I thought we could go to the mall and get her picture made. I didn't think the line would be that long on Friday around 1:30. WRONG!!! Huge WRONG. My friend Sandra called while we were still in line and couldn't believe we were having to wait that long. We waited in line for almost 2 hours, but I had a little girl who was so excited. I think I asked her about 10,000 times if she was sure she wanted to sit in his lap and get her picture made and every time she said yes. You know what I am thinking...we are going to stand in this line and then she is going to change her mind. As we got closer she kept getting more and more excited. I would not trade those two hours for anything in the world. It was finally our turn and my little girl went right up to Santa, I put her in his lap, she told him what she wanted for Christmas, got her picture made, and gave him a hug. She was so proud of herself. She could not wait to tell Nana and Papa and her dad about sitting in Santa's lap. So, here is the proof and here is the reason I am taking a step back this year and trying to see Christmas through the excitement of my child. May we remember to be this excited about the real reason for the season. Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holy Cow!! I can't believe how long it has been since I posted. A lot has been going on in the Millsap house - so here are just a few of the happenings...

We went to the Shrine Circus with Sandra and Jenna and the girls had a great time. Hannah rode a pony after she decided the elephant's were way too big. Not even riding with Jenna would convince her.

Hannah decided on a Princess (huge surprise) for Halloween. She was Sleeping Beauty or in Hannah language Seeping Booty. She loved getting candy but had more fun sitting on the front porch with her dad and handing out candy to other trick or treaters. Nana and Papa came over to trick or treat with us. It was a huge success.

Sandra and I went to see Steven Curtis Chapman at Allen Arena a couple of weeks ago and boy did we have a good time. We went to the the Great Adventure tour back when we were in high school and were on the front row. Well, we weren't on the front row, but 6th row isn't bad. It was a lot of fun and a great girl's night out.

Well, I think that is about it. We spent Thanksgiving with David's family in Oklahoma and got back home on Saturday. We had a nice time - if only we could do something about that 11 hour drive. We sure do have a lot to be thankful for!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Friday night Hannah and I hung out with some of my friends from work Amy and Rebecca. Rebecca has the cutest twins you have ever seen and Hannah loved getting to play with them. Although she couldn't quite understand why they couldn't get in the play land with her and then ride down the slide in her lap.

Saturday afternoon Hannah had a birthday party to go to for none other than Malcolm. Please notice that the hair is down. Of course we wouldn't have it any other way.

This last picture is just because. Yesterday Hannah put on her tierra on the way to school and then fell asleep. Rebecca saw us on the way to school and thought that was hilarious. Well, yesterday afternoon as soon as we got in the car the tierra was back on. Oh the life of a princess...getting chauffeured by your driver while eating M&M's and reading your Weekly Reader.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Preview of Things To Come...

My friend Sandra's little girl Jenna came over and stayed with us for a little while on Saturday and I took these pictures of the girls. It reminds me so much of me and Sandra - it was about this time in our lives we became friends.

I have a feeling this is only the beginning of these girls riding off into the sunset together - I hope so.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Things That Make My Heart Happy

*Being the mom of one of the most hilarious and spunky little girls I know.
*Hanging out with my husband and daughter with no agenda in mind.
*Mountain Dew
*Season premieres (especially Grey's Anatomy)
*Friends - some that I have had for as long as I can remember and some that are new. I love them.
*My relationship with my mom
*PJ Saturdays
*Tuesday Bible Study with the One and Only and new friends.
*Learning more and more about Jesus and falling more and more in love with Him.
*My praise and worship music in the car on the way to work while Hannah snores in the backseat.
*My ipod
*Being loved by my family
*My heritage
*Going to church with David and Hannah
*Hearing Hannah say her prayers at night "God is good, God is great" and then thanking Him for her family and friends and rainbows.
*Hearing other people laugh
*Taking hot baths and reading.
*Being able to open the windows in my house.

I want to hear about the things that makes your heart happy.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hannah informed me when we got to her daycare this morning that we needed to go to the bathroom and fix her hair. When I questioned why since I had already spent time putting her hair up in a ponytail and it looked good if I may add, her response - "Malcolm likes it when I wear my hair down".

Are you kidding me??? Lord, give me strength.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Busy Times and Deeper Still

Hey Everybody. Things have been a little hectic around here lately. I just got back from a week long seminar for my department at Fall Creek Falls State Park. It was a ton of fun, but I am tired. Several months ago, I got a ticket for Deeper Still (a women's conference being held at the Sommet Center) and it was this weekend. Not the best weekend for me since I have been gone all week and am tired. However, I had big plans back when I got the ticket. As the time drew near, I kept going back and forth on whether I was going to go or not. AND - I wasn't going with anyone since none of my friends were able to get tickets. As of yesterday afternoon I still hadn't made up my mind whether I was going or not. Well, as the time drew near, I just couldn't miss the opportunity to hear Beth Moore in Nashville. So, after I made a stop by work to drop some supplies off, I headed downtown to the Sommet Center. was AWESOME and I am beyond glad I went. It was last night and then pretty much all day today. I just sat in the Sommet Center with 33,000 other women and a couple of men and had a blast. The worship was incredible and the teaching was just as great. Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur were there too. It was Fabulous! I am so glad I went. So rest will come tomorrow and then it will be back to work on Monday. Nothing like getting some spiritual renewal with thousands of other women. I can't even imagine what heaven is going to be like.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Good Friends + The Fair = Good Times

We went to the Williamson County Fair on Saturday and Hannah had a blast. We met our friends Steve, Sandra and Jenna and it was so fun. Hannah and Jenna had such a good time riding ALL the rides and the adults even got to have a little fun too. Hannah and Jenna even rode the big Pirate Ship with me, David and Sandra. Hannah looked scared during the ride, but when it was over she said she liked it and was only a little bit scared. It was a perfect night to go. It was not crowded at all and it wasn't even that hot. There was a nice breeze. We had a blast.

I can't even tell you what a big deal it is that Hannah is even standing close to Bob and Larry (if you know our Santa story - you understand). When we saw them Jenna ran right over and then Hannah followed her. I think it took her a minute to realize she was actually standing this close to one of these things. She did let me get her picture if David would come and stand with her.

This was a little roller coaster and Jenna and Hannah loved it. Jenna had her hands up the first minute they got on. They rode it again at the end of the night and by then Hannah had her hands up too.

Now, David almost had a heart attack when Hannah wanted to ride this. They laid down on their stomach in a cage like thing. Needless to say they both LOVED it!!

AHH yes. No fair would be complete without a giant rainbow snow cone.

And's time for a little fun for the adults. Sandra and I rode this thing and it was so fun. We did make a comment how old we felt when we sat down. We were surrounded by teenagers.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Birthday Weekend - Day 3

We now have an official four year old in our house. I can't believe Hannah is already four. She has had one big weekend. The morning started off with a stop at the Donut Palace for some donut holes for her friends in Sunday School to celebrate her birthday. Then we came home to Papa, Uncle Al and Uncle Andy putting together a swing-set. This is a present from Papa, Nana, Aunt Lin and Uncle Al. She also had a message on the answering machine from Daddy wishing her a happy birthday from Moldova. We had to listen to it twice. We had birthday cake followed by more presents. She has had a big birthday!! We miss daddy and wish he were here to celebrate with us, but we know he is doing a good thing in Moldova. We are very thankful for Nana, Papa, Aunt Lin and Uncle Al for helping with all the birthday festivities.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Birthday Weekend - Day 2

Well, one more successful day in the birthweekend. This morning we dropped David off at the airport and Hannah and I headed to Waffle House. We spent most of the day at my mom's just relaxing. Then it was time for the real fun. We had Hannah's friends at McDonald's Playland for her birthday and they had a big time. Hannah never grows tired being the center of attention, so needless to say she was in her element. There were eight kids all together and Hannah had a blast. She got so many neat presents. We ended the night with dinner with Nana, Papa, Aunt Lin and Uncle Al. So until tomorrow...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Birthday Weekend - Day 1

When you are spoiled rotten you not only have a birthday, but birthweekends. So will be the case with the princess of our house. Today started the beginning of the birthweekend. David's parents came into town yesterday and tonight Hannah got her first present from me and David. David leaves for Moldova tomorrow, so we wanted to go ahead and give her the big present from us. So, Hannah is now the proud owner of a bright red mustang and she thinks she is something!!!

At first she didn't know what to think about it and was a little unsure of the whole thing, but it didn't take her long to get the hang of it. She went back into the house and got one of her babies and she was ready. You can't tell it here, but she also had her drink in the cup holder.

She was taking her baby to church and she would drop her off in her class and then go back and get her and put her in the car. It was so funny. I am sure in no time she is going to driving around everywhere.
So, day 1 of the birthweekend was successful. Stay tune for day 2.
On a side note, if you think about it, please lift up a prayer for David and his team. I know he will appreciate it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The church building I grew up is being sold within the next couple of weeks and I am surprised at how sad this has made me. This is a place a spent a significant amount of time for 19 years of my life. So much of who I am is because of this place and the people that came in and out of my life while we were there. I know church is not about a building, but when you can look at a place or think of a place and so much emotion rushes feels like an important part.

My mom and dad started attending this church when I was 3 I think. Basically, it was all I ever knew.

It was the place where:

- I went to VBS for the first time and then every year after that.
- I was able to be a part of GA's and thought I was so grown up and cool.
- I would leave Sunday morning service with a friend and spend the afternoon with her and then come back to church with them that night. The fun you could have in those few hours was hard to come by any other time.
- I was able to go to the youth house when I became a 7th grader and the feeling of being able to walk across the street and into that house with all the youth was amazing.
- I was introduced to Centrifuge and youth camp and lock-ins.
- I felt the sadness of a youth minister leaving and then another and yet another.
- I felt the pride when my mom stepped up and agreed to teach the college class.
- I spent most of my summers either working at Camp Mack or just hanging out with my friends.

It was also the place where:

- I heard Jesus call my name when I was 9 and I stepped out of the aisle and walked down all by myself.
- I stood in the baptistry and heard my pastor ask me if I had accepted Jesus as my personal savior and I said yes.
- I learned what it means to be loved by people all most as much as your parents love you.
- My mom and I could feel safe when times were hard.
- I sat with my friend during her Mother's Home Going.
- I learned what it means to have a pastor who loves you like his own and want the absolute best for you.
- I cried my eyes out when he went to be with the Lord.
- I wish I could go back and it be like it use to be.

Just to be able to walk in those doors one more time and have Bro. Paul greet and hug me and be able to hug Mrs. Cry and go off to my class with all my friends and sit in the center section of the sanctuary with all the other youth. That is what I would like to do. It's not about the building - it's about the memories and the thankfulness of having the heritage where going to this place Sunday mornings, Sunday nights and Wednesday nights is going to be without a doubt one of the most important things I remember - EVER!

Sunday, July 08, 2007


It has been a little while since I blogged lately (except for trying to get people to leave me messages :)). I have been wanting to do a wrap up post on Thailand, but to be honest - I'm just not ready yet. It is weird to me because when we left I knew I had a great time and I was very excited about having had the opportunity, but I didn't realize what an impact it would have on me once I was home. I miss it - honestly. I miss the feeling of true service and more than anything I miss seeing the people I really got to know while I was there. Today at church some of the team lead worship and I can't tell you the feeling of true excitement and pride that overflowed me. As I watched them and worshiped with them, I went down the row and I could tell you a way that each one touched me and how I got to know each one better while I was in Thailand. When you attend a church with over 6,000 members...that is a good feeling. It made me smile to see them. Every time I am asked about the trip the one thing I have continued to say is how thankful I am to have had the chance to travel with 100 other people across the country. Now when I see them in the hall at church, it isn't just a "Hi" or a nod - it is an all out hug. We have shared something together and that is a great feeling.

David leaves for Moldova in two weeks and Hannah's birthday along with a party at Playland will be that same weekend. A busy few weeks are ahead and I will for sure post pictures of the princess turning four. I can't believe how fast the time has gone.

Until next time...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

This is Hannah's sad face because no one has left a comment telling her Mommy how to fix the blog. Thankfully my friend Sandra is going to help me out. So, as soon as I call her and let her walk me through it - I should be in business.
So, if you stop by and read this blog at all, can I at least get a hello??? I always wonder who may stop by. Don't be a stranger...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I may be a dork BUT...

Can someone please tell me how to get a picture at the top of my blog??? The one where when I leave a comment it will show up. Please help.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Almost the End

I can't believe my time in Thailand is almost over. It is Saturday afternoon here and we will be leaving Chaing Mai heading to Bangkok tomorrow afternoon. We will be spending the night in Bangkok and heading to Tokyo, Chicago and then home on Monday.

This has been an amazing experience. I have gotten to see and do so many neat things. I am tired and will enjoy getting to see my family, but would not trade this for anything.

Yesterday was family day for the M's, so my kids were picked up at 12:00 and then we got to go out and have some sightseeing. We went to the elephant farm and it was unbelievable. We rode on the elephants and got to feed them. They were just walking around. It was amazing. We then got to go the orchid and butterfly farm. AMAZING. I got a lot of good pictures.

The kids in my room are doing so much better. They are finally getting use to us and the routine (now that is almost time to go). They are really sweet and it is amazing to hear some of their family stories.

I am on break right now and need to get back. Thanks again for the prayers. I have felt them. Please continue to pray as we wrap up tomorrow and head home. I can't wait to see and talk to you. I have lots of stories.

Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm Here!

Hey everybody. I'm in Thailand and everything is going really well. The flight was as uneventful as possible. Long - but really good. We didn't have any problems and everyone from our flight got their bags without any problems. It is so neat here and I still can't believe I am half way across the world.

Yesterday was my first day with my kids and let's just say it was a day. A lot of these kids have never been away from their parents. I ended up only getting about a 10 minute break all day. Let's hope today is better! The kids are precious and most of them did fine. Some just got a little extra love ALL DAY LONG!!

Last night a big group of us went to the night market. It was a sea of bargins and unbelievable things. I could have lost myself there. My mom and aunt would have been in heaven. It was like a huge flea market. I bought a few things. Everything is so cheap - NICE!! On the way home we rode a tuk-tuk. It was amazing! I have pictures. Tonight we are going to the Gem Market. That can only mean trouble!

Thanks so much for your prayers. They are truly felt and I appreciate all your support!

More later from Thailand....


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

If There Was Ever a Doubt...

Doubt no more. This girl is for sure mine. I know Hannah has had a Krispy Kreme donut before, but I guess I have denied her the blessing of eating one in the resturant. Shame on me. We had some time this morning before her doctor's appointment, so we went to Krispy Kreme. She loved every minute. They were making fresh donuts and she thought that was really neat. She waved to all the employees and loved the fresh donut. I am sure we will be back - Man, I hate that :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Tribute

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I wanted to take a few minutes to love on my mom. For those that know her, you know how amazing she is. I could give a bizillion facts about her that would prove my point, but I will do to the highlights. She is such an example and there is no doubt in my mind I would not be the person I am today without her. She has left a heritage that I only can pray I leave with my family. She is the strongest, nicest, most humble, put others before her person I know. She has stopped to give medical advice at church, in the grocery store, at all hours of the night - because that is what she does. She has taken care of my countless relatives and friends going through health problems, etc. Including staying up with them all night and then going to work the next day. She put me through college with NO student loan and no help. She is the one I call when I am sad, sick, proud, happy or just in the car. I love hanging out with her. I am proud - very proud - to call her my mom and even prouder to say she is my friend.

Happy Mother's Day - I love you.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I've Been Tagged...

I am so friend Ashley tagged me and this is my first time. For the two people who read's the deal.

Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven people to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. When I was growing up my mom (who is a nurse) wouldn't let me ride go carts because she took care of a girl in the emergency room who had long hair (so did I) and let's just say...she didn't have long hair anymore. We will leave it at that.

2. I went to the same church for 19 years and the same school for 13 years (Kind. - 12th grade). There was a lot of consistency in my life :)

3. When I was young, I busted my chin because I was standing on my tricycle in our basement and I fell off - then, I broke my arm because I was standing up in my red wagon and riding down the hill in our backyard and I fell out. I have learned to sit down and ride on things.

4. My first airplane ride was to London, England.

5. My friend Ashley and I almost died in a tornado on graduation day, because we didn't know what a culvert was. (Ok so we didn't almost die and I don't think there was even a tornado, but there was a tornado warning and on the radio they told you "if you are in your car stop and get in the nearest culvert" Ashley and I hurried home instead because we didn't know what a culvert was.) At that point I must say our parents were really rethinking the money they spent for us to go to private school!!!!

6. I left my favorite sweatshirt in Ashley's car - and then her car got stolen and then was found burned - my sweatshirt was no more. OK - so it wasn't my absolute favorite sweatshirt, but I like the story.

7. I have never had a ticket - been pulled over twice, but no tickets.

Ok so that is it for me. Now, I am suppose to tag 7 people - one small problem...I don't have 7 friends who blog - so I can only tag 1 - Sandra.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Give Him some praise. I finally got my user account/password figured out and I am back in business (Sandra - you better leave me a comment). For all three of you that actually read this - I am glad to be back. I have had some serious issues with getting my user name and password right and finally I got it. GGEEZZ. I don't even know what has been going on since I last posted. I am still getting ready for Thailand and appreciate the support I have received. I am beyond excited and can't believe it is only a month away. Everything is going good with us. Hannah is keeping us busy and making us laugh all the time. She is so full of life and a handful and funny and and and. Until next time (which hopefully won't be in a month) I will leave some pictures of the girl with you.

Easter at my mom's

Hunting eggs

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Long Time

I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last post. The time sure does fly. We have been busy the past few weeks. My mom had some pretty serious back surgery a couple of weeks ago, but is recovering nicely. She will be out of work for about three months, but seems to be getting relief and hopefully will be back to herself soon. As soon as she is...we're going shopping. Sickness has taken over our family the past couple of weeks too. David first then me this week and now Hannah. That is always nice when everyone shares the love.
I am still getting ready for my trip to Thailand and am getting more excited by the minute. David is also planning to go back to Moldova in July and he is very excited about that too. I am sure we will have plenty of updates over the next couple of months.
I will post some updated pictures of Hannah in the next couple of days.

Until then...

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Please allow me to share some things that have been on my heart lately. In our Sunday School Class we have been talking about the importance of Church and if we have to attend church in order to be in obedience. I have had so many thoughts about this, but for whatever reason have not be able to share them in my class. (For those that know me...this is not typical me). However, I need to get it out.
I don't know all the correct answers, but I know how I feel about church and for me that is what I have to go with. Church may not be for everyone and I can appreciate that. If it is not then I feel like you have to find a place and a group of people to truly worship with, pray with and hold each other accountable. With that being said, I do feel like church is the place for me and I have been so convicted lately that I am not giving all of myself in those times nor I am allowing God to bless me when I am there. I think David and I go a amazing church and there has never been a Sunday when I didn't feel like I had been to church and I didn't leave with a feeling of action. However, I also feel like if I truly understood what God had done for me and how much he loves and protects me and my family, I would give so much more of myself in worship. Why do we hold ourselves back? Why don't I allow myself to go at place with God of true worship and thanksgiving? We can all look back and not only see how God has worked in the lives of those we know, but how he has worked in our lives. I feel like church is a time for believers to get a chance to be charged up. We live in a world full of sin. We work in it, drive in it, shop in it, watch it and church should be the one place we can let our guard down and worship. I'll be honest, for a long time in my life church was a social outlet for me. All my friends were there and we had a good time together. Now, it is so much more than that. I need that two hours to be in the word and worship. Now that we have Hannah, I feel it is even more important. When she comes home like she did Sunday to tell us she learned not to be afraid because Jesus would take care of us - that is what it is about. Her learning this at a early age. I wish she didn't ever have to face the real world, but we do. Don't get me wrong, I don't think those two hours a week is all God requires and I think we get sucked into that too. We can go every Sunday and never pick up the Bible any other time - that's not what it is about either.
I don't know what I am trying to say other than I think we don't allow ourselves to go to a place of true worship because we are afraid of what others will think or we have not been raised that way. I just don't want to be like that anymore. That's all.
Thanks for allowing me this time to get it out. Blessings.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Great Adventure

On the way home tonight I heard a song that took me back to Youth Group at Radnor Baptist Church. The song..."The Great Adventure" by Steven Curtis Chapman. I first heard this song at Centrifuge (a weeklong Baptist church camp that totally rocked my world). But the song makes me think of so many more things than just that. I guess more than anything it makes me so thankful for the times I had a church. It was never a question in my house whether we were going to church on Sunday mornings - we just went. And being southern baptist we went Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night (even for Wednesday night supper). The great thing was...I never wanted to be anywhere else. The majority of my friends were there and we had a good time. During the summer that is where we ended up. Just hanging out. Now, don't get me wrong, we had drama - some serious drama actually, but I wouldn't change a moment of those times. Times like not being able to wait to be old enough to get to go to Sunday School in the "youth house". I think I was in there for one year and then it was condemed. It was really cool to me though. Hosting the youth rally and really feeling the Holy Spirit move for the first time in my life. Having lock ins and then sleeping all day on Saturday. Going to the wave pool for church night. Going on visitation - honestly, what is that???? I just loved it. So driving home tonight for a moment I was back there. To that time in my life where I didn't want to be anywhere else and I didn't know anything else than that. Was I sheltered - no just lucky!! By the way - my first concert was Steven Curtis Chapman and we were on the front row!!!! Back then I just loved singing to the top of my lungs "Saddle up your horses, we've got a trail to blaze." Tonight as I was singing at the top of my lungs, it was so much more... "Let's follow our Leader into the Glorious unknown - this is a life like no other....THIS is the Great Adventure."

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Wonderful Job

On the way home tonight there was a very pretty sunset (not exactly the one in the picture above, but you get the idea). I wanted to share the conversation between me and Hannah on the ride home. It went like this:

Hannah: Look at the pretty colors.
Mom: Do you know who painted this picture for us?
Hannah: Who?
Mom: God. He painted this picture for us to see tonight.
Hannah: Did he have a big ladder to get up there and paint that?
Mom: No, he painted it from Heaven - where he lives.
Hannah: Oh. Well, he did a wonderful job.
Hannah: I love him - he did a wonderful job.

Oh, how my prayer is this is just the beginning of her falling in love with Him and this is just a taste of the conversations to come. I hope I am never too busy to teach her the most important stuff.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


OK. I know it has been a long time since my last post. Honestly, not a lot has been going on in our household over the past month. We rang in the new year at home - my favorite way and I think we were in bed before midnight. I had a seminar to do the middle of January and that kept me busy for a couple of weeks. I do have some exciting news. I am going to Thailand with my church in June. Our church is hosting a conference for missionaries and we will be there for a week. I am very excited. It is not what you typically think of as a mission trip. We are going to be staying in a VERY NICE lodge and there are 100 people going. My forever friend Sandra is going so that will make it even better. I am on the hospitality team and honestly I am by far the youngest person on this team. I am already praying God will give me patience with these ladies.
We finally got some snow yesterday and Hannah was beyond thrilled. I would post some pictures however, we can't find our digital camera and I had to take pictures with our old camera and who knows how long it will take to get those developed. If I go with the track record, it will be next year. I will work on getting those in the near future. The sad part - the roll already had pictures on there and it is no telling what the pictures are from. It will be a nice surprise. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and be on the lookout for those snow pictures :).