Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Tribute

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I wanted to take a few minutes to love on my mom. For those that know her, you know how amazing she is. I could give a bizillion facts about her that would prove my point, but I will do to the highlights. She is such an example and there is no doubt in my mind I would not be the person I am today without her. She has left a heritage that I only can pray I leave with my family. She is the strongest, nicest, most humble, put others before her person I know. She has stopped to give medical advice at church, in the grocery store, at all hours of the night - because that is what she does. She has taken care of my countless relatives and friends going through health problems, etc. Including staying up with them all night and then going to work the next day. She put me through college with NO student loan and no help. She is the one I call when I am sad, sick, proud, happy or just in the car. I love hanging out with her. I am proud - very proud - to call her my mom and even prouder to say she is my friend.

Happy Mother's Day - I love you.


Sandra said...

And may I second everything you said in your blog about your mom. My mother was one of those she spent countless hours caring for in her last days and has always been a surrogate mom to me. Happy Mother's Day from me too!

Anonymous said...

It was so wonderful to hear from you. Believe it or not, I was thinking about you the other day. How ironic.
I have to agree with you about your Mom. She is such a special person! You are very blessed to have her in your life. Please keep in touch with me.