Tuesday, May 15, 2007
If There Was Ever a Doubt...
Posted by The Millsaps at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
My Tribute
Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I wanted to take a few minutes to love on my mom. For those that know her, you know how amazing she is. I could give a bizillion facts about her that would prove my point, but I will do to the highlights. She is such an example and there is no doubt in my mind I would not be the person I am today without her. She has left a heritage that I only can pray I leave with my family. She is the strongest, nicest, most humble, put others before her person I know. She has stopped to give medical advice at church, in the grocery store, at all hours of the night - because that is what she does. She has taken care of my countless relatives and friends going through health problems, etc. Including staying up with them all night and then going to work the next day. She put me through college with NO student loan and no help. She is the one I call when I am sad, sick, proud, happy or just in the car. I love hanging out with her. I am proud - very proud - to call her my mom and even prouder to say she is my friend.
Happy Mother's Day - I love you.
Posted by The Millsaps at 6:56 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
I've Been Tagged...
I am so excited...my friend Ashley tagged me and this is my first time. For the two people who read this...here's the deal.
Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven people to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. When I was growing up my mom (who is a nurse) wouldn't let me ride go carts because she took care of a girl in the emergency room who had long hair (so did I) and let's just say...she didn't have long hair anymore. We will leave it at that.
2. I went to the same church for 19 years and the same school for 13 years (Kind. - 12th grade). There was a lot of consistency in my life :)
3. When I was young, I busted my chin because I was standing on my tricycle in our basement and I fell off - then, I broke my arm because I was standing up in my red wagon and riding down the hill in our backyard and I fell out. I have learned to sit down and ride on things.
4. My first airplane ride was to London, England.
5. My friend Ashley and I almost died in a tornado on graduation day, because we didn't know what a culvert was. (Ok so we didn't almost die and I don't think there was even a tornado, but there was a tornado warning and on the radio they told you "if you are in your car stop and get in the nearest culvert" Ashley and I hurried home instead because we didn't know what a culvert was.) At that point I must say our parents were really rethinking the money they spent for us to go to private school!!!!
6. I left my favorite sweatshirt in Ashley's car - and then her car got stolen and then was found burned - my sweatshirt was no more. OK - so it wasn't my absolute favorite sweatshirt, but I like the story.
7. I have never had a ticket - been pulled over twice, but no tickets.
Ok so that is it for me. Now, I am suppose to tag 7 people - one small problem...I don't have 7 friends who blog - so I can only tag 1 - Sandra.
Posted by The Millsaps at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Give Him some praise. I finally got my user account/password figured out and I am back in business (Sandra - you better leave me a comment). For all three of you that actually read this - I am glad to be back. I have had some serious issues with getting my user name and password right and finally I got it. GGEEZZ. I don't even know what has been going on since I last posted. I am still getting ready for Thailand and appreciate the support I have received. I am beyond excited and can't believe it is only a month away. Everything is going good with us. Hannah is keeping us busy and making us laugh all the time. She is so full of life and a handful and funny and and and. Until next time (which hopefully won't be in a month) I will leave some pictures of the girl with you.
Easter at my mom's
Hunting eggs
Posted by The Millsaps at 10:42 PM 3 comments