Thursday, January 10, 2008

Few Words

When I went to pick Hannah up from her Sunday School last week, this is the picture I was handed from her teacher. How can you top this? These are not the only kids in Hannah's SS class (by a long shot), so her teachers took the time to dress all the kids up and have them take pictures as small groups. Can you get over this. I am always thankful for the church that David and I attend and one of the biggest reasons is because of things like this. Teachers who probably work other jobs, but take time out of their lives to invest in the life of my child. These are the people who are going to have an eternal impact on Hannah. How can you say Thank You enough???

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I have totally skipped over Christmas. It is just too overwhelming to think about posting all the pictures. Let me just say a good time was had by all and I so enjoyed my step back watching it through Hannah's eyes. This has been my most favorite Christmas with her so far. Everything was fabulous to her and big and fun. I loved it.

I just wanted to wish you a fabulous New Year. No New Year resolutions here. Just a commitment to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend and a better daughter - not only to my earthly mom and step-dad, but also to my Heavenly Father. My friend Sandra and I have started reading the One-Year Chronological Bible and I am beyond excited about it. I am sad to say I have NEVER read the entire Bible all the way through. I can't wait. I want to worship more, pray harder and dig into the Word with passion. He has great things for us friends - may we seek Him.

Psalm 90:2 (the Message)"...from 'once upon a time' to 'kingdom come' YOU ARE GOD."

I'm claiming that!!