Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I have totally skipped over Christmas. It is just too overwhelming to think about posting all the pictures. Let me just say a good time was had by all and I so enjoyed my step back watching it through Hannah's eyes. This has been my most favorite Christmas with her so far. Everything was fabulous to her and big and fun. I loved it.

I just wanted to wish you a fabulous New Year. No New Year resolutions here. Just a commitment to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend and a better daughter - not only to my earthly mom and step-dad, but also to my Heavenly Father. My friend Sandra and I have started reading the One-Year Chronological Bible and I am beyond excited about it. I am sad to say I have NEVER read the entire Bible all the way through. I can't wait. I want to worship more, pray harder and dig into the Word with passion. He has great things for us friends - may we seek Him.

Psalm 90:2 (the Message)"...from 'once upon a time' to 'kingdom come' YOU ARE GOD."

I'm claiming that!!