Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holy Cow!! I can't believe how long it has been since I posted. A lot has been going on in the Millsap house - so here are just a few of the happenings...

We went to the Shrine Circus with Sandra and Jenna and the girls had a great time. Hannah rode a pony after she decided the elephant's were way too big. Not even riding with Jenna would convince her.

Hannah decided on a Princess (huge surprise) for Halloween. She was Sleeping Beauty or in Hannah language Seeping Booty. She loved getting candy but had more fun sitting on the front porch with her dad and handing out candy to other trick or treaters. Nana and Papa came over to trick or treat with us. It was a huge success.

Sandra and I went to see Steven Curtis Chapman at Allen Arena a couple of weeks ago and boy did we have a good time. We went to the the Great Adventure tour back when we were in high school and were on the front row. Well, we weren't on the front row, but 6th row isn't bad. It was a lot of fun and a great girl's night out.

Well, I think that is about it. We spent Thanksgiving with David's family in Oklahoma and got back home on Saturday. We had a nice time - if only we could do something about that 11 hour drive. We sure do have a lot to be thankful for!!