Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How fast they grow up...

The pictures say it all...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

We're Alive and Takin' Kindergarten By Storm

It has been forever and so much has gone on since the last post. I have come to the conclusion that I really stink at updating this thing. I will try and do better. The biggest thing in our household is that we have a Kindergartner in our midst. For those wondering I didn't cry hardly at all. The main reason being that she went about 100 different days before it was even the 1st day of school. So, I never knew when I was officially suppose to cry. She had testing one day and then went another day for 1/2 day orientation. Then she went two days for 1/2 days to get accustom to everything. By the time the 1st day rolled around - I was ready. Here is a picture of the official 1st day.

The moment I teared up was at this point. David and I were walking her to her class room and she was leaving us in the dust. She looked so grown up and was ready to take on the world. Eyes straight ahead. She was not the least bit afraid and not the least bit apprehensive. She was ready for this. Mom - not so much :)

This is how we left her - sitting at her table and about to take on her 1st Kindergarten task. Coloring this picture. She had this in the bag :).

She has already had homework and bought her lunch. I can't believe how much she has grown in just these three weeks. And - she has gotten all "green lights". Now that, my friends, is simply amazing. Here's to a good, green light year :)