Friday, September 28, 2007

Things That Make My Heart Happy

*Being the mom of one of the most hilarious and spunky little girls I know.
*Hanging out with my husband and daughter with no agenda in mind.
*Mountain Dew
*Season premieres (especially Grey's Anatomy)
*Friends - some that I have had for as long as I can remember and some that are new. I love them.
*My relationship with my mom
*PJ Saturdays
*Tuesday Bible Study with the One and Only and new friends.
*Learning more and more about Jesus and falling more and more in love with Him.
*My praise and worship music in the car on the way to work while Hannah snores in the backseat.
*My ipod
*Being loved by my family
*My heritage
*Going to church with David and Hannah
*Hearing Hannah say her prayers at night "God is good, God is great" and then thanking Him for her family and friends and rainbows.
*Hearing other people laugh
*Taking hot baths and reading.
*Being able to open the windows in my house.

I want to hear about the things that makes your heart happy.


Sandra said...

Good idea...we all need reminders of things that make our heart happy...things that last. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say "ditto" with a few name changes. I prefer to go to church with Kevin & Kelsey (smile) and I'm anxiously awaiting the start of "Lost" and "24".

clay's said...

Things that make my heart happy..
*knowing my daughter is my best friend.
*Hearing Rachel and Hannah laugh
*spending time with my precious husband
*spending time with my siblings
*Watching CSI
*Lifetime friends
*Good memories of my Mom and Dad.
*Being a child of the King.
*Hearing Hannah say, "I Love you, Nana."
*Being a Nana to Hannah and Dylan.
So much more, but these are the highlights.