Wednesday, February 04, 2009


This is about to be the update of all updates. I know it has been since Thanksgiving and there has been a lot of life lived in these past couple of months.

As always, the Christmas festivities started around the middle of December. Hannah had Christmas parties at school and then also got to participate in a Walk through the birth of Jesus at church. Our churches childrens program is out of this world and this was a really neat experience. The highlight was at the end when the kids gathered around the manger to see Baby Jesus. Precious.

For the second year in a row we went to ICE! with the Taylors. We had a blast and Hannah loved riding down the slide.

David's parents were able to come this year for Christmas and we had such a nice visit. We went to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service sponsored by our churches new Spring Hill campus initative. It was really a sweet time. After the service, we did our 2nd annual Christmas Eve get-together with the Taylors. The girls always have such a good time together and they enjoyed exchanging gifts. They also made their reindeer food.

Christmas was so fun and Hannah had a blast. The only thing she really asked for was a princess charm bracelet. Thankfully Santa was able to find that at Claire's in the mall. She also got a barbie scooter and other odds and ins. She was one happy little girl. My parents came over and we had Christmas Brunch.

We got a new puppy that has been named Max. Hannah loves the puppy and carries him around all the time. Bless him. He has been a sweet addition to our house.

Another big deal in our house is Hannah has lost not only one but two teeth. This little girl was so stinkin excited. The first one was super loose and she let me pull me. She was so excited about the tooth fairy. The second one was lost while eating corn on the cob and was swallowed. Not too worry though. Hannah had me write the tooth fairy a note and she signed it explaining the situation. All was good.

OK seriously I think that is about it in a nutshell. For those still reading - bless you.

I am off next week to Florida with my mom and step-dad to help them paint their new beach house - Praise the Lord. My flip flops are waiting to be packed!!!

Thank you for sharing in our life. We are truly blessed because of you.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you got a puppy too! See blog updates from time to time DO help...

Beach house, huh? I'd be happy to house-sit for them anytime.

Sandra said...

It's about dang time for an update. Not like I didn't know all this stuff anyway...and Cheryl-you'll have to wait in line for the beach house, sister! I'm first!!!! OK, second since apparently, Rach isn't taking me next week... :(

Ashley said...

I want to paint the beach house!!

Abigail and Ansley said...

We miss you, Hannah! We need to go play sometime soon!